
Mid-term recruitment milestone achieve by the BLMs4BU Phase II project in Benin

Another milestone has been achieved by the BLMs4BU Consortium. The Phase II trial carried out in Benin has enrolled half of the number of patients needed for the study.

Another milestone has been achieved by the BLMs4BU Consortium. The Phase II trial carried out in Benin has enrolled half of the number of patients needed for the study.

The progress update was presented in a meeting held by the Benin and Spain teams on September 8th, 2023, in Abomey-Calavi, Benin.

The meeting provided a unique opportunity to discuss in-depth the progress, challenges and opportunities together with success stories from nearly two years of recruitment activities of the clinical trial in Benin.

A total of 17 participants attended the meeting from Benin and Spain, including the Centers for Detection and Treatment of Buruli ulcer in Lalo, Pobè and Allada (Benin), the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), the Fondation Raoul Follereau (Benin/France), the University of Zaragoza/ARAID Foundation (Spain) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain).

Main topics of discussion included an update on the clinical trial progress (with special focus on recruitment strategies and safety), data capture and nested studies on barriers to adherence and access to Buruli ulcer treatment, which will assess patients’ experience during the disease in order to bridge the gap between knowledge and implementation.
